
Impact modifier additive

Impact modifier additive

Impact modifier additive

Modifier and resistor masterbatches are used against environmental impact stresses. In Arman Polymer Co. having a specialized staff in the field of polymer and having laboratory equipment, it is able to produce various grades of this product, which is completely customized and in accordance with the customer's opinion. This product contains Nano-sized mineral fashion and is used to increase strength, modulas and also to crack resistance. The company combines various additives from polymers and minerals and optimizes the design of new materials with a variety of impact modifiers, especially in cases where polymers with reduced properties or waste are used in the manufacture of products. By consuming 5-1% of this additive, we will significantly increase the impact resistance of the products

Advantages of impact modifier additive masterbatches

Increasing the impact resistance of the product, especially on sheets with low thickness
Preventing the progress of cracks in the product
Preventing from product deformation
The durability and longevity of the product, especially in products that use calcium carbonate materials
Reduction of waste during production

Applications of impact modifier additive masterbatches

   Learning all plastic products, especially when the thickness of the product is below one micron